Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Assignment 2: Lines

Assignment Assessment
The line I selected to photograph was a combination of leading line and vertical line--basically a vertical line that lead to an object. I feel that this was a good choice, yet I do wish that these leading lines direction the viewer's attention to a more dramatic subject.
Of course, this assignment taught me the purpose and necessity of lines. However, what was far more valuable that I learned from this lesson was not the importance of line, for that's obvious, but the way the search for lines. This concept will be immeasurably helpful.
Photo Assessment
Ironically, the aspect that I enjoy most about this image is the framing in the foreground. I truly feel that this gives the photo depth and a bit of dramatic flair. Still, I do enjoy the lines because I do feel that it automatically directs my eyes straight to the bicycle, which is the purpose of the lines.
Next time, I wish I could remove some of the distractions from the background and perhaps take off the lock that is barely perceptible on the very top of the rail. I feel that both these serve as distractions that detract from the subject of the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. Meets the assignment well, and good self-assessment.
